According to Timothy Wyllie, the Apocalypse has been cancelled. Lucifer appears to have gotten over its rebellious phase, and now angels wish to uplift humanity to their full potential. The program begins in 2012.

In The Return of the Angels, Wyllie presents his autobiography, telling how he traveled the world seeking higher wisdom until higher wisdom found him. A strange mix brews in his recollections: as Wyllie travels from Israel to the UK to New York City, he encounters channeling, reincarnated soulmates and angels taking the New York Metro.

In the history that Wyllie contends, the Luciferian rebellion came about as a disagreement between distant planets a millennia or two before human consciousness. It appears that these extra-terrestrials visit Earth in physical and non-physical forms, sometimes temporarily possessing a person in order to communicate, or in lieu of that, using astral projection to do so. Wyllie’s perspective is a long, strange trip with a cast of characters that could all not remember Woodstock together.

What Wyllie writes is utterly fantastical and yet somehow convincing. It seems believable that he did go on the spiritual quests that he relates and that he did have the experiences he says he did, whether or not you agree with his conclusions about those experiences. His work is an example of the odd tensions we now experience between perception and fact, experience and reason. While what he believes may appear crazy, his clear sense of self suggests that he is merely so far outside the social box that he no longer recognizes the box.

No matter how farfetched, this book is recommended as a good read.

~ review by Diana Rajchel

Author: Timothy Wyllie
Bear & Company, 2011
pp. 459, $22