The Witches' Almanac was launched in 1971 by founder Elizabeth Pepper. Now in its 33rd edition, the Witches' Almanac is still going strong by sustaining and improving its traditions of offering a polyglot of fact, fiction, lore, and forecasts.
True to the format of almanacs, this digest includes monthly calendars arranged from the beginning of each sun-sign, from Capricorn (January) 2014 to Pisces (March) 2015. The calendars include lunar phases, pagan, Roman and Hindu feast days, moon signs, birthdays of famous people, and bits of advice. The calendars are featured toward the front of the book, from pages 45 – 73.
Another almanac feature is the “Presage” section by Dikki-Jo Mullen. It includes a list of new and full moon dates, a two-page list of astrological terms and retrograde dates, followed by predictions for all twelve sun-signs. This material extends from page 158 to page 185.
A wide range of short articles on a huge variety of subjects supply the rest of the almanac’s content. Some of it concerns witch lore and magic, like the articles on graveyard dust, four thieves’ vinegar, boat magic, and the cimaruta charm. Other material is factual or historical, like the articles on the Wicker Man, Florida's Turtle Mound, planning a witch's garden, and the library at Alexandria, Egypt. The entire volume is interspersed with illustrations. The delightful artistic accompaniment creates an engaging visual format.
There's an advertising marketplace at the back of the issue that features pagan supply shops, various services, and a few other publications that include books published by Olympian Press, an offshoot of the Witches' Almanac publishing operation.
There's something for everyone in this almanac. It's a fun guide to keep by your bedside or bathroom, or to take along for entertainment on long journeys. The mish-mash of articles and almanac features stretches the brain in every direction to amuse, educate, and tantalize. This is a great gift item for pagan and witchy friends, so buy two or three! You won't be able to let go of your own copy. It might be advisable to put a protection spell on it so no one borrows with intent to keep.
~review by Elizabeth Hazel
Witches' Almanac, Ltd, (June) 2014
printed on recycled paper
193 pg, $12.95
Also available as a Kindle edition.