This book is a transcription of two seminars given by Erin Sullivan in September and October 1997 at Regents College for the Centre for Psychological Astrology.
Astro*Carto*Graphy is a method developed by the late Jim Lewis. It projects the rising, culminating, setting and anti-culminating locations of planets onto maps of the Earth. This useful modern technique helps people choose good locations for new jobs, better relationships and career development, as well as avoiding places that could be difficult and dangerous.
Part I begins with the basics to give readers a grasp of how to look at an ACG map. She covers the critical importance of a natal chart’s axis points in these maps and how axis-planet combinations activate particular places on Earth for the individual. Sullivan advances to the topic of parans – locations where planet and axis lines intersect, with considerations of latitude.
The next section (there are no chapters) covers the characteristics of each planet’s line and what one might expect to encounter in those locations. These overviews are presented from the standpoint of psychological astrology, summarizing the feelings and deep-seated issues that might arise in these locations, as well as describing the potential for gaining greater expression and understanding the planet’s role in the birth chart. The overall emphasis is on individual evolution and conscious development through awareness of the potential any location might have. This section is completed with a fascinating discussion of how ACG can be used for chart rectification (using a sample chart), and a story from an attendee about the startling events he experienced around particularly volatile planet lines.
The October seminar transcription comprises Part 2: The Astrology and Psychology of Relocation – Finding Your Place in the World. It begins with a discussion about why a person might wish to move and the ACG map features that should be considered. Various astrological factors are introduced into the conversation, including insights linked to progressions in a participant’s chart. A number of sample chart stories are shared at the end of this section.
Citations to books or quotes mentioned during the seminars are provided at the end of each part. The examples given in the book include the natal chart and a two-page ACG map (print is small but legible).
This book is a reprint of the 1999 release from the Centre for Psychological Astrology. It’s a valuable text for those interested in learning A*C*G. Since a number of the early texts on Astro*Carto*Graphy are now out of print, that makes this book all the more valuable. There aren’t all that many astrologers with a good grasp of this astrological niche method, which is a pity because it’s a specialty that’s in demand with clients.
Sullivan is a skillful and witty speaker, and her presentation of this topic is well-organized and beautifully paced. She has lived in numerous locations and brings that personal wisdom to her lecture. This book is highly recommended to any astrologer seeking a foundational text on A*C*G methods. A working knowledge of astrology is required, but even a well-versed beginner would be able to grasp the methods shared in this book.
~review by Elizabeth Hazel
Author: Erin Sullivan
1999/2020, The Wessex Astrologer
270 pages, $24.00/pb