Do a search for Tarot online and literally, hundreds of books will come up. For the beginner looking to learn this can be overwhelming on where to start. I’d recommend Leanna Greenaway’s Tarot Plain & Simple. The book goes over the basics of what is the Tarot, how they work, tips and advice. If you are an experienced reader, there are always a few basics to brush up on and review too. The chapter on Basic Card Facts goes over the structure of the seventy-eight cards, the equivalents, what the court cards are, how to read the significator card, etc. The book is written in a style that is easy to understand and will give the new reader the confidence to begin readings for others.
The majority of the rest of the book dives into each card itself. The author starts with the Major Arcana and provides an image of the Rider-Waite version, the traditional meaning, the modern meaning, what it means reversed and key points for your querent (the person the cards are being read for). The next few chapters will cover the Minor Arcana such as the Suit of Cups, Wands, Swords, & Pentacles. Again the book delivers a great easy to read structure so you can interpret the cards easily and smoothly.
Towards the end of the book, it covers the various card spreads and readings you can do for clients. One thing I really like is that the author also goes over reading for clients and what you may expect. This is usually not found in other books and can be very important to assist in readings. The book advises on how to help conduct the reading, and the types of clients you may have such as a sad client, the silent client, the motor-mouth client and the obstinate client. I love that the book covers this section and gives some tips to the new readers on how to deal with the various personalities you will encounter.
As someone who has been reading Tarot cards for a few decades now, I recommend this book for anyone starting out.
~review by Amber Barnes
Author: Leanna Greenaway
Hampton Roads Publishing, 2017
pp. 176, $14.95