Writing for serious and spiritual seekers, Authentic Spirituality details the need for spirituality to move beyond doctrine, culture, history, and myth. Citing many of his own experiences, the author points the way to growing spiritually beyond the limits of physical existence. (Potter was raised in a family of mystics, initiated into the Sufi Order of the West and now pursues a deeper realization of his own unique path.) In doing so, he brings all religions and mystic traditions to an equal footing by exposing their common traits. Every aspect is diluted of all mystery and complexity into clear and definite concepts that can lead to spiritual growth.
The topic of consciousness is dealt with only superficially; the emphasis is on spirituality as a route to higher/deeper consciousness. The intent is to make the reader think in terms of archetypes and meta-patterns rather than dogma and teaching. We are challenged to look beyond our cultural and religious conditioning into discovering a common thread of human spirituality. The style of writing, however, is moderately academic in tone, and was not terribly exciting or entertaining.
Authentic Spirituality seeks to teach core consciousness-expanding practices including meditation, breath work, sound work and retreats. The reader is asked to explore ways to open the heart, achieve self-mastery, evaluate spiritual teachers and attain spiritual freedom, putting the reader on the path to greater contentment, clarity, compassion and a profound sense of inner peace.
~review by Lisa Mc Sherry
Author: Richard Potter
Llewellyn Publications, 2004
pp. 238, $15.95