When I hear someone say, “I’ll keep you in my prayers” I typically think of Christian prayers. However prayer is much older than Christianity. In all honesty, I hadn’t thought much about Pagan Prayers until this book. This version is the revised edition that has been enhanced for easier use. Chapters and prayers have been rearranged, some prayers have been moved to different chapters and there are two new chapters from one. Prayers have also been arranged in logical order and labeled with the deities to whom they are for. New deity prayers have also been added along with the original missing Lughnasadh/Lammas and Midsummer.
I can walk into just about any grocery store in my area and find at least 6 to 8 Christian Prayer books. (I reside in the heart of the Bible belt) It was very refreshing to see a Book of Pagan Prayer for those who follow this path. With over 500 unique prayers for a variety of traditions, this book belongs on any pagan’s bookshelf.

In Part I, Author Ceisiwr Serith covers Why and How We Pray. Not only does he cover contemporary prayer but also dives into the ancient ways. He also goes further explaining offerings and why we do it. I love the concept of the offering as the hospitality towards the gods. Another great chapter is when the author talks about different ways to pray. We can pray with speech, dance, music, postures, motion and gestures. This section was eye opening for me as I had never really thought about all the various ways we communicate with deity outside of using a voice.
Like every sacred endeavor, planning plays a part as well. Preparing for prayer can include purification, creating sacred space, and even preparatory prayers to prepare your energy for your communication with deity.

The author explains that prayer is communication with a divine being. However we have many goddesses and gods we address and we do address them differently. There is a great chapter on looking at how you will speak to the deity, composing your prayers, how to greet them and how to thank them for attendance. While a lot of time goes into the planning, it is also okay to have a spontaneous prayer as well. Reading the book will help you with the right mindset when communing with deity.

Part II goes into the prayers themselves. This includes Prayers for the family and the household, Callings, Litanies and Mantras, Thanksgiving Prayers and Graces, Prayers for times of the day/month/year. There are prayers for the various times of life such as birth, weddings, and death. The last chapter covers petitionary prayers and blessings such as healing prayers, travel prayers, comfort and protection and so on. There is also Table of Offerings which is very useful when figuring out the type of entity to the proper food, drink, incense and other offerings they would prefer. The Glossary of deities is a great reference of some of the various gods and goddesses you may wish to speak with.

The revised edition has a lovely cover design and filled with prayers for every need, celebration, and deity. A Book of Pagan Prayer is a great edition to your magickal library to use time and time again.

~review by Amber Barnes

Author: Ceisiwr Serith
Weiser Books, 2018
pp. 304, $16.95