The Dark Archetype came into my life as autumn turned to winter, and as I was developing a course of study for one of my students that involved working with the ‘shadow’ in a magickal practice. Written with a sense of light-hearted humor and warmth in a personal, almost conversational style this book takes the reader on a tour of many of the darkest beings in mythology. Anubis, Baba Yaga, the Black Virgin, Coatlicue, Dionysos, The Grim Reaper, Hekate, Hel, Kali, Lilith, Loki, Lucifer, Medusa, Oya, Set, Shiva, Tezcatlipoca, and Volos are all represented in all of their (often gory) glory. Each being is described through stories with compassion and understanding of their necessary place in our spiritual development.
Reading this book can assist you in beginning to understand your own dark side, and improve your connection with things you may have been avoiding, such as death and transformation.
The authors take the view that these archetypes are not threatening, but instead are available to teach and enlighten.
Warnings are given throughout and the rituals and meditations are well written and useful. I have been using what I’ve learned (as well as many other sources) to work with my student. Although a witch does not get her power from darkness, she earns it though darkness, and this book provides a valuable guide for that process.
~review by Lisa Mc Sherry
Author: Denise Dumars and Lori Nyx
New Page Books, 2003
pp. 221, $13.99