No matter your experience with herbalism, this is one book you will want to have on your shelf. Working with herbs and plants has history back to ancient times. One thing I really liked about this book is how the author explains that plants and herbs are sentient beings and we work in partnership with them and not just as tools. This brings a new perspective and sense of honor and respect working with herbs.

The book provides a great overview and history on herbal magick and medicine. The history is fascinating and still holds true to today. The author covers the basics of herbal preparations, sustainability, proper cultivation, kitchen witchery, and self care in Part I. I really like how the author has various ways to grow your own herbs depending on your space wherever you are. Growing the herbs already builds a stronger bond than if you just purchase ready to go herbs. This approach helps the witch connect closer to the Earth.

The kitchen witchery section alone is a very valuable section. The book has a quick chart for various herbs and spices typically kept in your cupboard and how these can be used for magickal intent. There are also a few great recipes here as well!

Part II is where the reader will find 100 magickal herbs information in an easy to find format. The herbs are listed alphabetically and accompany an image, history, characteristics and magickal properties. This section is an amazing resource that can be used again and again.

Now that the reader has a basic understanding of herbs, the author next covers How to use herbs in magick in Part III of the book. In this part author Judy Ann Nock provides spells, divination uses, and rituals and altar craft. My personal favorite was how to create a pentacle herb garden!

I found this guide to be filled with amazing information. If you only have one book of herbs on your shelf, this is the one to own.
~review by Amber Barnes

Author: Judy Ann Nock
Adams Media, December 10, 2019
pp. 240, $15.99