In late 2023 Crossed Crow Books re-published Deborah Lipp's The Way of Four under a new title, The Magic of the Elements and I am very VERY glad. The original has long been on my very short list of recommended books on Witchcraft and the updates Lipp has included make it even better. 

We begin with a cross-cultural exploration of the elements -- Earth, Air, Water, and Fire -- the four building blocks of natural forces that witches work with to craft their magick. Speaking of craft, Lipp is always a proponent of that aspect and offers excellent exercises to connect with the elemental forces. Always the viewer is guided to create a personal, unique, connection. Working with the elements allows one to explore our strengths, and weaknesses, making our magickal connections deeper and more valid.

For the true newcomer, there are several chapters looking at spellcasting and preparing to do magic. The meat of the book are the four chapters on each element. Each explores using the element and specific ways to work with it. For example, aromatherapy and communication access air, fire might be incorporated into sex or candles; divination and washing for water, and food, gardening, and stones are wonderful ways to access earth.

The Magic of the Elements was a seminal text when it came out and Lipp's updates and make it even better. Go get a copy for your library now!

~review by Lisa McSherry

Author: Deborah Lipp
Crossed Crow Books, 2023
pp. 260, $25.95