Most books based on spellwork are like cookbooks: page after page of formulaic offerings listing ingredients and telling you what to do, but utterly lacking in any discussion of why those ingredients were chosen and how to use (or substitute) them. Arin Murphy-Hiscock's Spellcrafting: Strengthen the Power of Your Craft by Creating and Casting Your Own Unique Spells is absolutely not like that at all.

Newcomers to spellwork will feel reassured at the author's confident writing, which provides the foundational aspects of practical magick while never losing the "art" in a morass of techniques. Readers are encouraged to tailor her outlines so that they are personalized and thus more effective, and does so in a way that the occult principles necessary for successful spellcasting are thoroughly established.

One of the best part for me, as a long-time spellworker, was the discussion about being aware of how the ingredients you use within your spells might cancel each other out, neutralize each other, or unintentionally enhance an aspect that you didn’t intend to. Even better, she provides guidance on how to remedy these conflicts. I also very much appreciated her emphasis on record-keeping. We both agree that magickal record-keeping allows us to monitor what works doesn’t work to improve our abilities going forward. Knowing how and why a spell works or is successful is as vital as using the right ingredients.

Highly recommended!

~review by Lisa Mc Sherry

Author: Arin Murphy-Hiscock
Adams Media, 2020
pp. 304, $16.99