Dreyer’s oracle deck was inspired by her own journey to connect with her spiritual self. This forty-four card oracle deck focuses on nature, spirit, and the divine feminine. The cards depict a sequential spiritual journey and are designed to assist with finding one’s unique path in life. The images depicted on the cards are guides that act as conduits between the cosmos and the individual with the goal of discovering the soul’s purpose. The cards are to assist in healing, development of compassion, and the ability to express one’s unique humanity.
Each card has a number, a title, and a phrase that is printed at the bottom of the card to convey the card’s theme. These thematic messages are written in the form of affirmations. Card meanings are more fully explored in the accompanying booklet. These offer things to think about, warnings about pitfalls, and gentle suggestions for inner exploration and meditation.
Dreyer’s artwork is lovely and will appeal to individuals who are attracted to nature spirits, angels, guides and guardians in their spiritual practice. The images are delicate and feminine renderings of fantastic beings that beckon the viewer into the world of imagination. The potpourri of spiritual beings ranges from spirit guides to elementals, angels, chakhra “spirits”, fairies, nature spirits, and other beings that represent specific points of spiritual philosophy. The inclusion of the archangels Michael, Raphael, and Gabriel is a bit jarring. The fourth archangel, Uriel, is omitted and the remarks stray rather far afield from traditional descriptions of the roles and functions of these archangels.
The card descriptions are well-written and thoroughly explain the author’s themes. The internal development of the deck’s theme from card to card is very well done. Other than the deck’s purpose described in the introductory page, there is no guidance given for how to actually use the deck. Since the consumer is completely dependent upon the booklet to provide instructions, the lack of any suggestions in this respect is disappointing. Even a three-card sample reading would have been helpful in showing how the reader might apply the wisdom of the deck.
The artwork and card-by-card spiritual guidance provided in the booklet are the deck’s greatest strengths. This deck is recommended to people who are attracted to the artwork, and to those who are looking for a tool for personal spiritual development.
~review by Elizabeth Hazel
Creator: Kim Dreyer
U. S. Games Systems, Inc. 2013
44-card deck, 43 page booklet in tuck-box.