A few years ago, Ashman wrote one of my favorite astrology books, How to Survive Mercury Retrograde and I was eager to get his newest, Sun Sign Karma: Resolving Past Life Patterns with Astrology. Ashman delivers once again.
In clear language, unburdened by obtuse esoterica and convoluted language, Ashman offers up a deeper look at the power we bring into this life from past lives via our primary astrological body, the sun. Karma itself is often misunderstood as a kind of fateful prison or instant retribution, when it is truly neither. Karma is patterning (and connections to other souls) from past lives that we bring forward into this one. Some past life patterns hinder us, others provide deep knowledge that allow us to navigate the current life better. Our sign sign, being the biggest energy we are born with, can offer guidance as to what themes we might carry with us.
Each chapter discusses the likely themes each sign carries. Ashman does not think every energy is present, but notes that we often are unable to see patterns when we are in the middle of them, like being in the center of a complicated maze. Sun Sign Karma offers an outside perspective that can help orient us out of the maze via specific direction for each kind of hindrance.
As a Virgo, for example, my likely themes are:
Too Picky
Rush to Judgment
Loss of Hope
Mind in the Rearview Mirror
Too Much Anxiety
Stuck in routine Thinking
The Critic
Surrendered Identity
Extreme Worrying
I Am Not Deserving
Denying Anger
Ruled By Guilt
Many of which I recognize as themes I have been dealing with for decades (not always in the ways Ashman advises . . . which may be why I am still dealing with them.) Loss of Hope's pattern, for example, requires putting oneself first. Ashman notes that serving others is in a Virgo's DNA and that past life connections are made when others take advantage of our generosity. So when we make ourselves, our needs, our goals, a priority, we are healing and making ourselves equal to all others.
Knowing astrology is not at all required, this is a book for anyone. Strongly recommended for anyone interested in astrology or in healing oneself.
~review by Lisa Mc Sherry
Author: Bernie Ashman
Llewellyn Publications, 2021
pp. 231, $16.99
See our reviews of How to Survive Mercury Retrograde