Thomas Daniel Nehrer is a strong advocate of "oneness", what some people might call "the singularity". Whatever you call it, the notion is that all people, and in fact all of everything, is in fact the same entity experiencing itself fromĀ distinct points of view. It is an interesting idea that leads to numerousĀ philosophical and spiritual questions, such as the morality and even sensibility of treating anyone or anything else poorly when, in fact, you are literally causing harm to yourself. Over three other books he has taken deep dives on the subject in different directions. Now, in "Deeper Than Suspected", he has collected nearly 20 essays that each drill down on more specific questions raised by oneness, rather than the idea as a whole.
In several of these essays he looks at religious subjects such as Islam and Atheism, while others examine how one approaches the idea of oneness. His essay on Reconsidering religion as a whole is probably the best of the bunch, as it asks the reader questions that they can digest most readily in their own lives. It may not convince the reader, but of all of these essays, it advocates the
idea most persuasively to a possible skeptic. Taken as a whole, these bullet-point explorations of oneness bring one of the more comprehensive examinations of the subject that I've seen.
I can recommend the book almost without reservation; the one caveat is that if the idea of oneness is something you've already considered and rejected, little is here that is likely to completely change your mind.
~ review by Patricia Mullen
Author: Thomas Daniel Nehrer
O-Books, 2020
pp. 360, $25.95