In Amethyst Raine's latest book, Tarot For Grownups, she describes the meaning of the tarot cards from her perspective. She separates the book into sections including the Major Arcana, traditional meanings, card combinations, ambivalent cards and several other subjects. With the exception of the traditional meanings section, the book is all from her perspective, which I appreciated. She also takes the time to explain that every deck is different, which is nice to see.
One thing I really liked about Raine's book is that she includes many correspondences for the cards such as astrological and runes and she also describes ways to use the cards in other magic such as spells. At the end of the book she includes some readings she's done, such as celebrity readings and a couple spells.
All in all, this book was okay. It's quite short, at only 115 pages and I felt that the Minor Arcana was really overlooked, especially the number cards, while the Major Arcana got all of the attention, with a little going to the court cards. I was truthfully a bit disappointed by this book, and have to say that most beginners probably would not be served well with this book. It's something I think experienced readers could be interested by, but only if you're truly interested. Otherwise I do have to say look past this one.
~review by Jessica Elizabeth
Author: Amethyst Raine
pp. 115, $14.95
DoDona Books; 2013