Through the Tarot Triumphs by Cherry Gilchrist I was introduced to the incredible tarot deck, Tarot of Marseilles. Originally when I saw this book, somehow the description I had did not clearly express that this book specifically uses the Marsailles tarot. So let me clearly state here that this is so; this book discusses some wonderful and unique ways of using the tarot, specifically the Tarot of Marseilles.
A little bit about the Marseilles tarot; it is a beautiful deck, with bright, bold colors; mostly primary. The images are somewhat classical, in my opinion, somehow reminiscent of the Rider Waite and Universal decks while still being very different and unique on it's own. The book focuses on the trump cards; the major arcana and opens with a few introductory chapters, discussing tarot in general, the author's history as well as information about her mentor and how he came to develop the Fool's Mirror tarot reading.
Something I've really enjoyed in this book is how Gilchrist discusses the cards themselves and how they're read in this style, not only individually but in various groupings. It seems to me this is something often overlooked in many books on tarot reading so I'm glad it's included here. Furthermore Gilchrist includes exercises later on in the book, to help the reader develop comfort with this unique way of reading and looking at tarot cards. This is nice to see.
Though Tarot Triumphs is nearly 300 pages long there are only 9 chapters, but it also includes an introduction and glossary. The chapters are Enter the Triumps, The Tarot as a Method of Divination, Taking on the Tarot, The Wandering Fortune Teller, Becoming the Diviner - Grasping the Fool's Mirror, A Search For Order and Meaning in The Fool's Mirror, The Fool's Mirror Layout, Managing the Reading and The Fool Lead's Us Further.
I highly recommend this book because it's such a unique take on tarot. I love that she focuses on the Fool and such a using the Trump cards. That being said, though many people will both need and want a copy of the Tarot of Marseilles an experienced enough tarot practitioner will be able to take the concepts in the book and apply them to any traditional tarot deck. I don't think I can recommend this book enough. Wonderful read and unique ideas!
~review by Jessica Elizabeth
Author: Cherry Gilchrist
295 ppg; $18.95
2016; Red Wheel Weiser