The Art of Scrying is a guidebook to this old and ancient divination method that has stood the test of time. Even the word is mysterious and intriguing.. But not all mysterious things are dark and foreboding. This book, for instance, is not only well-written, it's friendly. It seems odd to say cozy in reference to a book but.... it is. The author takes your hand and walks you through it, like a friend. For a book that's a quick read, it's surprisingly informative while being easily understandable.
Scrying means seeing. Readers use several methods for divining the future and the author covers several of them. They use easily obtainable objects for the most part. A bowl of water, a candle, a crystal, a mirror. clouds in the sky. shadows, smoke. .A large crystal ball may set you back a few dollars though. All the differing methods are thoroughly explained in an easy-to-understand manner. At no time do you feel intimidated or like a novice. The author trusts that you can do this. She realizes it takes practice but with practice comes perfection.
Tea leaf reading, called tasseography, and reading coffee grounds also fall into this method of doing readings. All of these items are just tools to stimulate and bring out your intuition. Some methods work better for different readers. I call them tools for the psychic trade. Scrying mirrors are dark mirrors usually made of obsidian, molten lava solidified. Who can forget the most famous one of all, that of the evil stepmother in Snow White. "Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?" Through the magic of Disney, that mirror actually talked,
The author gives you implicit instructions for delving into this most fascinating method of seeing into the future or answering a question. Visions of past. present or future can also be explored. Along with instructions of how-to are also the necessary precautions when working with the occult. If you open a circle, close it when you're done; if you invite spirit helpers send them back home;when finished. And be sure to ground yourself if you've gone into a light trance.
You're told the best times for scrying or doing any divinatory work, like reading the Tarot. Namely, on the eves of Beltane, the Summer Solstice, Mabon. the Winter Solstice and as expected, Halloween. And too, New Year's Eve. To see the prospects for the coming year..
All in all, this is a delightful book and I highly recommend it
~review by Judy Blackstone
Author:Lucya Starza
Moon Books, 2022
85 pp.