Throwing Bones is a lovely guide to the more art than science styles of divination. The illustrative photography throughout creates a sensorial experience just looking at it. Some people might put it on their coffee table to get the conversation rolling. The author is knowledgeable about divination in general. Methods such as scrying, rune craft, cartomancy, and astragalomancy among others offer more breadth than what the title might suggest. With twenty casting layout boards to use whether casting lots, using a pendulum, or laying down Tarot cards, readers looking for something new to add to their practice may benefit as well.
Readers will find out how to find the pieces for their own throwing bone set, how to practice with it, and come up with the piece's distinctive meanings. The practice of divination with bones and other items is more art than science so practice is necessary. Ultimately the user will develop their own understanding and meanings. The book can guide one into it but mastery will require putting in the effort. The meanings of readings depend on the reader and intuition so it's a style that some people are going to have a natural talent for and others may try it, struggle, and move on to another divination method with set meanings. Readers who aren't sure what kind of divination they wish to practice will get an overview of divination and can choose between methods that are more formal with defined meanings like cartomancy and more intuitive practices like cleromancy.
Recommended. Would make a nice gift for someone who is starting.
~review by Larissa Carlson
Author: Mystic Dylan
Red Wheel/ Weiser, 2024
pp. 128, $19.95