This is a comprehensive book of fairylore and folklore. There are many books on the Fairy Folk and how to work with them; however it helps to know who they are first. This dictionary provides a detailed look at the fairy world and who resides in it.

The layout is alphabetically and can be read cover to cover or scanned thru to find what you seek. The book provides origin stories, background, encounters, as well the good and bad experiences that humans have had with the fairies.
Aside from the stories there are also sections such as the appearance, clothing, etiquette, hospitality, gifts, protection from fairies, etc. These are also valuable sections to note should you encounter one.

For the reader who wishes to further explore, the author provides an extensive bibliography for the sources and deeper research. The book is well researched and collected into a single resource for exploring fairylore.

In the subject of fairies, this reference book is a handy guide to have on your shelf to refer back to time and time again.
~review by Amber Barnes

Author: Morgan Daimler
Moon Books, March 1, 2020
pp. 416, $27.95