My disclaimer:  While not a physician or an expert in alternative medicine I don’t feel only qualified to review the medical theories express by the author of Timeless Secrets beyond my personal reactions. 


Generally I’m not a black/white extremist in anything. I like herbal treatments that are well researched, and believe that not every remedy, whether alternative or traditional, works the same for each person. While I’m a believer that we contribute to our own health by making choices I was surprised at one of the strongest claims made by the author - disease, even cancer, comes from unhappiness. An overly stressful job contributing to the decline of a person’s health, I’ll buy that. Eating habits and smoking, sure, they can affect health. But cancer caused by unhappiness? Should I call my family member who is Stage Four and instruct him to lighten up? I don’t think so. 


Reading on, I discover the author strongly discourages mammograms for women. Dang, I just scheduled my annual check-up. I think I’ll keep the appointment and take the risks of the x-ray over not discovering something hidden that could end my life if left to grow.


A few pages later I found myself writing “BS” in the margin again. Apparently, aspirin is evil because it can cause excessive bleeding. While that is true, eliminating all aspirin as the author suggests could cause countless cases of phlebitis for those of us with a history of blood disorders or at risk of strokes or heart attack (81 mg is my daily dose). Not everything can be cured by and enema. This reviewer believes that being in touch with our bodies, being informed and asking questions are among the greatest tools we have in contributing to our own health. But I also subscribe to the bumper sticker philosophy of life because sometimes “Shit Happens”. 


I finally closed Timeless Secrets after writing BS in the margins yet again. I won’t finish it. The book has caused me to be frustrated, cranky, and for the moment…. unhappy. 


~review by Denise Bell

Author: Andreas Moritz, 2005
pp.488, $29.99