Originally published as Sacred Living, this paperback offers affirmations for everyday, simple ceremonies, with suggestions and meditations on how to best make the ordinary extraordinary.
For example, on February 8th we are asked to breathe with the affirmation “Today I allow myself to breathe fully, filling my lungs and cleaning my blood with fresh oxygen.” The following day is resistance: “honoring my resistance, I give myself space to breathe.”
Helping to align our lives with the rhythms of the Earth and recognize the sacredness of those rhythms, the reader is taken through a series of rituals and meditations, with the goal of showing how each mundane moment can be a miraculous and extraordinary event. Organized by season, and beginning with the Winter Solstice, this volume offers an affirmation for each day of the year and includes hundreds of simple ceremonies, suggestions, meditations and celebrations.
~review by Lisa Mc Sherry
Author: Robin Heerens LysneConari Press, 1997
pp. 226, $13.95