I think most of us link the Goddess with lunar energies, so I was immediately drawn to Stephanie Woodfield's Drawing Down the Sun: Rekindle the Magick of the Solar Goddesses as a fresh piece of writing. I was not disappointed in the slightest.

Divided into five sections, an Introduction (Reclaiming the Goddeses of the Sun), Part One (The Sun and the Divine Feminine), Part Two (The Sun Goddesses), Part Three (Modern Sun Worship), and a Conclusion (Dancing with the Sun), Woodfield does a wonderful job of helping the reader tap into feminine solar energy for ritual and personal magickal work. “The Sun and the Divine Feminine” discusses how some of the Sun Goddesses were transformed into our current perspective of them as exclusively masculine. “The Sun Goddesses” describes fourteen Goddesses divided by region (Japan, the Balts, the Celts, etc.) including appropriate invocations, spells, and correspondances to use for each. “Modern Sun Worship” we are given ways to connect with the solar feminine and how to bring her into our daily lives -- perhaps the best part of the book, as a whole.

Minor quibble time: I wanted more Goddesses! Not fair, I know.

Woodfield has given us a book long overdue and a basic necessity for any witch's bookshelf.

Highly recommended.

~review by Lisa Mc Sherry

Author: Stephanie Woodfield
Llewellyn Publications, 2014
pp. 312, $19.99