

This Datebook is one I get each year – it’s an excellent source of information with the added bonus of being perfect as a planner. It’s spiral bound and folds flat – something I think every planner must do (how else do you easily write things down in it?). This year’s Witches' Datebook is full of useful information.

We’ve got all of the Wiccan/Pagan holidays (Imbolc, Ostara, Beltane, Litha, Lammas, Mabon, Samhain and Yule; each has a short article at the start of the season written by Emily Flak) as well as all significant Christian holidays, Jewish holidays, Muslim holidays and civil holidays for several countries (the United States, Canada and Mexico). We’re also given the significant moon phases (new, waxing quarter, full, waning quarter and void-of-course) and significant planetary movements between the twelve constellations of the zodiac, including whether the movement is retrograde. An appendix at the end of the datebook contains a list of daily magical influences, color correspondences, lunar phases, moon signs, eclipses for 2008, all 2008 full moons, planetary retrogrades and a moon void-of-course table.

Articles contained at the beginning of the datebook include:
* "Magical Clothing" by Abby Willowroot.
* "The Sacred Flame" by Diana Rajchel.
* "An Astrological Look at 2008" by K.D. Spitzer.
* "Faery Magic: Best Times, Places" by Ellen Dugan.
* "Create and Use Thoughtforms" by Gerina Dunwich

Along with articles about each of the 13 full moons by Magenta Griffith and a nice collection of seasonal recipes written by Dallas Jennifer Cobb. (The "Imbolc Cleansing Curry" was especially delicious).

Of course, each date has enough space for you to pencil in reminders, appointments and notes. There is also a small address book section in the back of the book to fill in your own important contacts.

Highly recommended.


~review by Lisa Mc Sherry

Authors: various

Llewellyn Publications, 2007

pp.  144, $9.99