Take Avril Lavigne’s sour-apple bubblegum music and cross it with Godsmack’s heavy beats and soaring lyrics and you’ve got something approximating Sam Lombardi. Except that Lombardi’s voice would push Lavigne’s out of the arena. Another analogy: imagine Pat Benatar’s voice singing hard-driving songs from the modern era. Gives ya shivers, don’t it?
Take Your Pic features players like the infamous guys from (NIN), indicating that someone with excellent taste in the music industry thinks well of her. Samantha co-wrote three of the songs on the album including, “Ordinary Day”, “Moment in Time” and “Open Your Eyes.” John Ingoldsby and Charlie Clouser of NIN and Andreas Carlsson of The Location etc. also penned titles.
The first track, Young and Stupid is the closest to Lavigne’s sound; the fifth, “Ordinary Day” has a strong flavor from groups like Godsmack and the sixth track, “You Belong to Me” rivals The Police in sheer creepiness. I know I’m singling these tracks out, but every track is great, high energy and TIGHT. I wish she played outside of Australia, seeing her live would be an incredible experience.
What can I say? I want more and you want to get her album.
Note: I just spoke with Ms. Lombardi via email, and she tells me legal issues have caused this album to be taken off the market. She has a new one coming out, though.
~review by Lisa
Artist: Samantha Lombardi
2006, 41 minutes