Alex Grey, both the author and artist, describes this work as a “journey through our physical, socio-political, and spiritual anatomy”. With his art and poetry, he accomplishes that quite well. There are 23, 4X8 inch cards, in a fairly sturdy box. The artistry is extremely eye-catching, done in brilliant color. Alex Grey’s poetry, in many instances, is more than thought provoking.
I didn’t always feel as though I was going on a journey as I read through them, but with several of them, I felt a strong urge to meditate on his words. I’ve determined that I will be using the cards frequently in that manner. Grey's artwork is graphic and evocative; those with children might wish to be advised that there is frontal nudity and at least one erotic pose among the artwork on the cards.
Mr. Grey’s rendition of anatomy, both in his views of inner and outer body is excellent. I recall thinking they could be used in medical schools. The Sacred Mirrors Cards are a product that is sold to benefit the Chapel of Sacred Mirrors in New York City, where the full size paintings are on display. The Chapel is described as a “sanctuary for contemplation and a center for events encouraging the creative spirit”.
Frames for the cards, as well as the cards themselves, are available for purchase at a website online. I believe some of the cards would be well worth framing as pieces of art in themselves.
~review by Jae Napolitano
Artist and Author: Alex Grey
Inner Traditions, 2006