Sunday, July 14, 2024 Lisa Mc Sherry

Hello Readers!

You didn't miss it, we did not do an update in May. We had a tech glitch and I came down with COVID, so things went awry. To make up for it, however, we've got an extra-large update this month.

This month we offer:

The Magic of Cats 
Astrology of the Shadow Self: Working with Oppositions in Your Natal Chart  
Llewellyn's Witch's Sun Sign series (Four of Twelve books)  
Artemis: Goddess of the Wild Hunt & Sovereign Heart (Pagan Portals)  
Hades: Myth, Magic & Modern Devotion  
Year of the Dark Goddess: A Journey of Ritual, Renewal & Rebirth  
The Complete Guide to Runes: An Essential Reference for Runelore, Meanings, Divination, and Magic  
Throwing Bones, Crystals, Stones, and Curios  
"Practical Magic" series: Practical Magic, The Rules of Magic, Magic Lessons, and The Book of Magic  
Northern Mages: Some Preliminary Sketches Toward A History of the Occult and Metaphysical in Canada (Mostly)  
Eye of Odin; Nordic Mythology and the Wisdom of the Vikings  
Sacred Tears: A Witch's Guide to Grief  
The Magic of Serpents 
A Westerly Wind Brings Witches: A Cornish Odyssey  

Last update we offered:

So, What am I Doing Here, Anyway?  A Collection of Astrological and Philosophical Essays  
Astrology as a Therapeutic Art: Healing Human Relationships  
Season Songs: Rediscovering the Magic in the Cycles of Nature  
UAPS and the Nuclear Puzzle: Visitations, National Security and the Need for Transparency  
Loputyn Oracle   
A Path Through the Forest: Collected Essays on Druidry  
Fairy: The Otherworld By Many Names  
The Magicians Trilogy (fiction)  
Cookbook of Shadows: Simple Recipes for Powerful Magic  
The Eclectic Witch's Book of Shadow's Companion 

Also, as of June 1st, Facing North explicitly refuses to review works created with generative AI. (Link to our policy here.)

We asked publishers to explicitly address this issue by asking authors in the manuscript submission process:
"Did you use AI, a language model, machine learning, or similar technologies to create or assist with the creation or editing of any of the content in this submission (e.g., text, tables, figures, video)? Note: this does not include basic tools for checking grammar, spelling, references, etc.)"

For ourselves, we explicitly promise that our reviews are created by humans.

Facing North will monitor developments in this field and will adjust or refine this policy as appropriate.


Welcome to Facing North!

We are one of the largest collections of reviews of alternative spirituality oriented books, music, and other items of interest to our community. My wonderful team of reviewers and I have been writing reviews for many years now, and we love it.

Opened on October 31, 2006 with just over 200 reviews, Facing North is -- first and foremost -- a community resource. We ended that year with more than double our opening number of reviews (500+). Although we slowed our growth, 2007 ended with our database at more than 600 records, 2008 saw us at 900 and we edged over 1,000 by the end of 2009. In 2022, we have more than 3000 items reviewed in our files.

We accept previously published reviews, and articles and reviews from alternative practitioners. It is our goal to make Facing North the largest repository of alternative spirituality reviews on the Internet.

We are committed to creating a practical site with honest opinions that are fair, even when critical and welcome your feedback and suggestions to improve this site, one that everyone in our diverse community can use.

Once again: Welcome to Facing North!